
Sacha Pinto Social Media Marketer, Marketing Spring Cleaning

One way to spring clean your business is to spring clean your marketing plan. These plans should always be reviewed on a monthly, quarterly, and yearly basis. Here are four ways to spring clean your marketing strategy, thus your plan.

1. Review: Goals and Social Media Analytics

Review goals and analytics

Review the business goals you set out for the first three months of your business and what marketing initiatives you performed to help achieve those goals. Did you meet your goals? Why or why not? Did you fulfill all of the marketing initiatives you set out to do? What were the results?

What does your social media analytics show on social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, Linkedin, or TikTok? How are your posts performing? Do certain posts have higher engagement? Who are you attracting with the content you are posting? Reviewing this information will help you understand what type of content to continue publishing and give you a better idea of who your audience really is.

Once you review, you can set the goals for the next quarter knowing what worked well in the past.

2. Review your sales promotions/campaigns and events

If you had any promotions over the past 3 months, how did they go? What were the results? What is considered a success? Would you do it again? If you attended any events, did any result in new business? Would you pay the same money for the same event again?

This will help you understand if you will repeat some of your promotions/campaigns or if you will try something different.

3. Review your marketing budget – A Great Way To Spring Clean Your Marketing

Update your marketing budget

What is your marketing budget looking like today? Are you on track with the money you invested in your marketing? Have you overspent? Could you cut back in areas? Be sure to review your spending so that you can make the appropriate adjustments for marketing spending for the remainder of the year.

4. Plan out your content

Write out your content marketing plan

Content planning helps eliminate guesswork, procrastination, and in some cases, pushing off the task so long that it doesn’t get done. You don’t necessarily need to plan out your content for the entire next quarter, but you can map out your content ideas for the next couple of weeks or even a month. What Holidays do you celebrate/acknowledge? What sales/promotions/events do you plan on having? How can you inspire or connect with your audience?

Bonus Tips For Spring Cleaning Your Marketing

  1. Take a look at your FOLLOWING list on your social media accounts and delete the ones you don’t engage in.
  2. Take a look at the Facebook groups you belong to and leave the groups you don’t engage in.
  3. Take a look at what your competitors are doing and what is gaining attention and engagement on social media.
  4. Check your website to ensure it is updated and all the information is still accurate, including plugin updates.

Need help with your business marketing plan? Let’s set up a time to talk about how I can support you, book your time here.

READ: What you need for social media marketing success here.