
How can I increase my social media engagement? Do you feel like you put a lot of effort into your social media marketing, you know what I mean, creating a beautiful image or video, write the perfect caption, use relevant hashtags, post it…and then…crickets?

You are not alone and so here are three tips on how to increase your social media engagement so that you can see results in your social media marketing.

Create social media posts that people can learn from

The first tip is to ensure that the content that you’re providing is of high value to your audience. You should always think about how the content that you provide can help your ideal client and alleviate them from some sort of struggle that they may have.

Always think: “what’s in it for them”.

Brand Consistency Is Crucial For Social Media Marketing

The second way to increase engagement is to ensure that you have brand consistency with your posts. This is fancy talk for saying create your posts with similar colours, fonts, and styles to allow your audience to easily recognize your feed posts when they are scrolling in their newsfeed.

ensuring that there’s color consistency and ensuring that there is font consistency with the text that you write and even the type of filters you use should have some consistency so that your audience will automatically recognize your posts and be more likely to slow down a little bit and see what you’re posting.

Have Conversations With People On Social Media

If you want to increase engagement on social media, you need to ask your audience to engage (actually tell/ask them in your post) and you also need to start having conversations.

When you are crafting your caption be sure to add a ‘call to action’. A call to action is tell your audience what you want them to do.

Here are some examples:

  • Leave a comment
  • Double tab
  • Click link in bio

More subtle call to actions to engage:

  • What are your thoughts on this?
  • Do you agree with this?
  • Let me know if this resonates with you below.

Another way get people to engage is to have a conversation with them. When people are posting some sort of comment on your posts go beyond just hitting the heart icon.  Try to take it one step further ask them a question to continue or start a conversation. For example, if someone leaves a comment “love this” can you share a little more context to what you wrote on your post and then ask them a question? This allows them to give you their thoughts, their feedback, and continue the conversation.

Would you like more call to action prompts to use for your social media posts?